In memory of
Barbara Dixon
It is with great sadness, that we announce the passing of our beloved founding board chair, Barbara Dixon. From day one, Barbara provided a clear vision, steady guidance, and boundless enthusiasm to the Yellow Farmhouse. She was a dynamic leader, an inspiring mentor, our greatest supporter, and most of all, a dear friend. It is impossible to fathom all of the ways that she will be missed.
Barbara was instrumental in developing the Yellow Farmhouse’s mission – to connect people to each other and to where their food comes from – which makes sense because Barbara was a masterful connector. She tirelessly seeded and cultivated support for the organization, sought expertise from her wide web of contacts for our initiatives, and brought us together with so many in our community who care as deeply for the land, and the food it produces, as she did.
Although her shoes are impossible to fill, we are proud to carry on Barbara’s legacy by leaning into our efforts to make new connections and working together towards a better food future. We are committed to building on the tremendous foundation that Barbara Dixon created for us all.